A Word from the Author
My hope is that there are enough of us who are willing to set aside perceived differences to join a diverse community in pursuit of fundamentally better ways of being.
My hope is that the millions of humanitarians working to make a better humanity will unite with others whose core goals are the same: to create an ethically rich, socially just society living harmoniously with the natural world.
My hope is that the leaders of progressive movements the world over will recognize the wisdom and substantial benefits of partnering with each other to empower a unified movement of fundamental change.
My hope is that the leaders of corporations, nations and spiritual causes will both share our goals and have the wisdom, and the courage, to participate in the most unifying movement of progressive change ever attempted.
You must help lead the way. This is your responsibility to the generations that follow. What you do or fail to do over the coming decades will determine whether our species evolves fundamentally better ways of being, or perishes within the mass extinction event that we have ignited. This is your opportunity to step out from under the obsolete structures that divide and threaten our very existence into new ones designed to unite us all and enable a future bright with possibility and wonder.
I truly hope that you succeed in your quest.
— BR